“84 Charing Cross Road” is a heartwarming tale that transcends time and geography, eloquently capturing the power of words and human connection. Written by Helene Hanff, adapted for the stage by James Roose-Evans and Directed by Mari Fleming, this enchanting play unfolds through a series of letters exchanged between Hanff, a vivacious New York writer, and Frank Doel, a reserved and knowledgeable bookseller from London. Over the years, their correspondence blossoms into a deep friendship, despite them never meeting face-to-face.

This story is not just about the love for books; it’s a testament to the enduring spirit of friendship, the joy of discovery, and the cherished moments of laughter and empathy shared between kindred spirits. Invite yourself into a world where every letter holds a piece of the human heart, promising an evening of laughter, tears, and the warm embrace of shared humanity. This play is a must-see for anyone who believes in the timeless magic of friendship and the written word, offering a gentle reminder of the beauty that exists in the simple, yet profound connections we forge with one another.

Originally performed:
May 17th, 18th, 24th and 25th, 2024

Directors programme notes from Mari.

A very warm welcome to our play, 84 Charing Cross Road. The play takes place in New York and London, and centres around an exchange of letter, parcels and books along with growing friendships from afar.

Back in 2018 our dear friend Lawrence Picking was in the process of directing this, his first play, when the license was revoked due to a nearby professional company selecting it for performance. So this production has been a long time coming, over 6 years in the making.

This production is dedicated to Lawrence as I always promised him when he was very ill, that I would put it on. His enthusiasm for this play captured us all, especially as he chose it for his directorial debut, and we’ve waited for the right moment to bring it all together, in memory of Lawrence, and as a celebration of the wonderful friendships we had with him.

I’m excited to welcome Chloë Smith and Cynthia Newman into the society, as they perform with us for the first time, and to also welcome back Matt Comiskey and John Bale – who are both performing their second show with us. Matt previously played the doctor in “And Then There Were None”, and John was a resident of the house in “Waiting for God”.

The cast and crew have worked so hard on this production and I want to thank everyone who has helped put this show together. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I have.


Sarah Roper

Helene Hanff

Matt Comiskey

Frank Doel

Dawne West

Cecily Farr

Alys Codd

Megan Wells

John Bale

Mr Martin

Chloë Smith

Maxine Stuart

Jean Chapman


Cynthia Newman

Mrs Todd

Sam Foad


Tom Shorrock

Airline Pilot


Mari Fleming

Directed by

Katja Hunt


Rob Wilderspin


Tom Shorrock


Kerry Thomas

Stage Manager

Amy Collins


Neil Johnson

Set Design

Mari Fleming

Set Dressing

Rob Wilderspin

Lighting Design

Neil Johnson
John Bale
Dyson England
& Society Members

Set Build

Society members


Cynthia Newman
Chloë Smith


Nick Pounder

Backing Set Painting

Phil Collins

Publicity, Posters and Programme

Paul Roper
Steve West
James Burton-Stewart
Phil COllins


Jean Chapman
Jenny Broom
Mary Cawley
Rachael McCrory
Jenny Piggott
Lucilla Ward
Wendy England

Front of House

Mick Snyder
Phil Collins
