The body of Professor Julian Birch-Lawton has been found dead in the living room of his cottage in Shepford Underhill. Never fear though, as Inspector Grim is on the scene – except this time he’s retired, and it’s his nephew, newly promoted Sergeant Darius Flintlock and his assistant Constable Peter Pratt who have to lead the investigation. Not without a lot of help, mind you, from “Mr Grim”.

The housekeeper, Mrs Nimble, is amongst the suspects of this deadly crime, along with the village schoolteacher Mr Willowfeather, Sister Thurston the district nurse, the Reverend Jack Steeple and his wife Mrs Steeple. Even Mr Grim himself isn’t above suspicion.

Originally performed:
March 2025

Programme notes from Alys.

As Director I have the honour of welcoming you to Mortimer Dramatic Society’s latest production, “Always Listen To Your Nose”. We all hope you will have a very enjoyable evening.

You may have seen on the poster that this play is a sequel to ‘Murder By the Book’, and sees the return of Chief Inspector Grim – I am delighted that Tom Shorrock is reprising his role as the shrewd but genial detective. Tom – as long suffering as Grim himself! – has made many contributions to the production, from script suggestions to set design, and without his support and encouragement the play would very likely not have been finished, let alone performed.

Any dramatic production is very much a group effort, and since this is the first play I have directed I have been very grateful to have been able to work with such a talented group of experienced performers, who have been backed up by a small but exceptionally hardworking crew.

It’s a heady experience for any dramatist to see their characters spring to life, and I feel very privileged to have had both of my first two plays put on by MDS. Apparently the Society has been active in Mortimer for the best part of 80 years, and as I discovered when I joined three years ago it is a lively organisation, very welcoming to newcomers, and offering all kinds of creative opportunities. If you enjoy live theatre, I hope you will consider coming along and getting involved yourself – it really is great fun!


Tom Shorrock

Inspector Grim (Ret'd)

Mary Auckland

Perdita Nimble

Clive Solomons

George Willowfeather

Derek Spears

Julian Birch-Lawton

Kerry Thomas

Sister Eldith Thurston

Kim Antwell

Roisin Steeple

Nigel Antwell

Lady Reverend Jack Steeple

James Burton Stewart

Constable Peter Pratt

Phil Collins

Sergeant Darius Flintlock


Alys Ware

Directed by

Alys Ware


Katja Hunt


Katja Hunt
Amy Collins


Rob Wilderspin


Rob Wilderspin


Kerry Thomas


Phil Collins
Derek Spears


Keith Graham
Gareth James

Stage Manager

Katja Hunt
Alys Ware

Props and Set Dressing

Neil Johnson
Jeff Howman
John Bale
Dyson England
Society Members

Set Design and Build

John Bale

Rehearsal Assistant

Phil Collins

Posters &
Programme Design

Phil Collins

Box Office

Gourmet Queens


Dawne West
Steve West
John Bale


Jean Chapman
Society Members

Front of House